We are pleased to be open here for our 14 season at this location. It’s has been a challenging few years for people both personally and professionally, and anybody who doesn’t admit it is either very lucky, brilliant or “full of beans” as my grandmother from Vermont would say.No matter what “challenges” we have all faced… it is my belief that it is a wise person who “takes inventory” and strives for improvement.

How does this relate to this restaurant? That’s easy. Chapelli's has and always will offer a good quality homemade dinner, served by friendly, polite people at a reasonable cost. We try to take nothing for granted! we do catering all the time for may businesses such as We hope your evening here with us is exceptional. Relax, enjoy your family and friends and always remember... a little kindness goes a very long way.

Food with integrity.
Opening Hours
1458 Chapel Street,Katy, TX 77494
Top Foods That Surprisingly Taste Well When Grilled
A good burger, steak or sausage tends to evaluate our taste buds and creates memories in our mouth. Due to the process involved in its cooking, mainly grilling, things tend to hit the right chord. But the same feeling might not be received when you consume food items that are not grilled. If you are a big time grill person be sure to get a nice metal letter sign above your grill. So to help you out in that manner, we have a list of foods that can be grilled and also taste well when you do so. Hence, go ahead and take a look at our list. While enjoying your food remember to make yourself a drink and keep it cool in a personalized wine tumbler.
1. Meatloaf
A grilled recipe for meatloaf is all that you need to soothe the moment by tasting unique and descriptive flavours. Although you require a wooden grilling plank for the same, we would say that the investment is worth it. Yes, that’s right. The rich smoky flavours that emerge from the same will help you forget all about the amount of money that you spent on it.
2. Peaches
The right mix between sweet and savoury can be received by grilling peaches, and top chefs in the business seem to agree. While the process is simple, it is essential that you follow the steps and move accordingly. Any mistake or error can change the flavour or the overall outcome. By grilling and cooking it to a proper extent, you will have a good dish.
3. Bacon
Although bacon is delicious in any content or form, grilling makes it all the more exciting. But you need to be sure to thread your slabs onto skewers so that things don’t fall into the fire. If you tend to be confused all about the process, then check out specific videos or tutorial guides before or while cooking.
4. Watermelon
It might sound absurd at first, but grilling watermelon does bring out a surprising flavour that you may have never tasted before. It is a versatile option that is suited for all kinds of dishes and desserts, and everyone who consumes the same will be more than delighted.
5. Pound Cake
Warming up a few slices of a sweet pound cake is an amateur thing to do. So to climb up the ladder, you need to grill it and add a few berries, whipped cream and other such ingredients. Once you’re done with it, you will have an excellent dish to impress any guest who is waiting to be surprised.
6. Avocado
A smoky flavour can transform avocado and turn into something delicious. The grilling process ripens up the fruit and provides a unique path towards exploration. So go ahead and purchase an unripe avocado to grill it and understand all about this new avenue of taste.
Top Ways to Drink Wine and Stay Thin
Compromising on all your dieting habits when it comes to the consumption of wine is not the right thing to do. By doing so, you are not only hindering the progress of your diet but also putting a stop to your healthy lifestyle. So the time to prevent the same has already begun. But that does not mean that you have to give up wine. Instead, you need to know the right way to consume the same because you can drink wine and stay thin. Want to know how? Well, go ahead and read it out. Also remember there is no better way to enjoy your drink than with a great glass from
1. The Calories
Before consuming wine, you need to know all about the calorie content in the bottle. Most wines have around 92-175 calories per glass. But you need to be sure about the same before going ahead to consume it. Since alcohol calories tend to digest differently in our body, it is vital that you be aware of this piece of information. Once you understand the same, you should draft a plan that allows you to consume the right amount and nothing beyond a particular limit.
2. Never drink before eating
The habit of drinking wine before eating has shown to increase appetite and raise the need to have more. So by all means, you should not be drinking before eating, and it can also deter the progress of your diet. But in case you love to cook and drink at the same time, then you need to form a method that splits the drink into two servings of 3 ounces each.
3. Earn the drink
Consider a glass of wine to be a sort of a trophy that should be earned. As a result, you need to exercise and perform every single aspect mentioned in your diet plan. By doing so, you have earned the right to drink wine, and it needs to be done within a limit. But in case you skip exercise, then you should not even be thinking about drinking wine.
4. Red Wine
Red wine is known to have much higher antioxidants when compared to other types of wine. So consuming red wine sounds like the right fit and you need to switch. But before you do so, look into the alcohol level of drink and ensure that it is kept below 13.4% ABV.
5. The Value
Bottles that are a lot more expensive will raise the need to extend the period of consumption. Since you have spent a lot of your hard-earned money on the drink, you will want to keep things slow and enjoy every single sip of the process. So spend a lot on a bottle of wine and consume it gradually.
Why Soup is a Must for Any Menu
Meeting customer demands and going ahead to serve delicious meals stand to be the essential criteria for any restaurant. Once they manage to do so, things will get a little easier, and the restaurant can begin the process of exploration in order to raise sales. But before jumping into all that, there is one small aspect that needs to be included in the first place, i.e. soup. Yes, that’s right. Having soup on your menu is a must for a whole bunch of reasons, and we are here to tell you why.
1. Reduces Food Waste
One of the main reasons why restaurants are serving soups is to curb the issue of food waste that ranges between 30-40%. By using potential food waste and other surplus leftovers, restaurants can make delicious food waste and save up a lot of money. This method is proven to be effective and does not involve any sort of health problems or other related issues.
2. Cost-Effective
It takes very little time, effort and money to prepare soup. On the other hand, about $5 can be charged for a cup or bowl of soup that is quite higher than the initial cost of preparing the same. As a result, soup is cost-effective and will help you raise the bar in profits. Considering the kind of varieties that you offer in soup, things will be practical, and people will be more than happy to buy the same.
3. Healthy
The idea to remain fit and avoid eating foods that are high on calories is a need that is growing amidst all kinds of people. Due to that, individuals are peculiar with what they eat and are highly concerned about the ingredients that enter the dish. But when it comes to soup, these concerns can take a backseat since soup is healthy. The basic ingredients that go into soup are seeds, fruits, veggies, grains, legumes and so on. So it makes complete sense to order soup.
4. Vegan
Eating habits are changing, and individuals are looking for vegetarian or vegan options. Due to this, the kind of restaurants that they choose to dine will differ since they need to be vegan. Although not every restaurant is prepared to go vegan, soup is an easy and comforting option in this category. Thanks to its ingredients, soup can match the needs and requirements of all kinds of people.
Apart from these points, there might be over a dozen more that indicate and point towards the requirement of soup being a part of your menu. Since the food business is all about customer satisfaction, it is vital that you include soup.